Saturday, January 01, 2011

A Very Bookish New Year!

As the first day of the New Year drifts away, I -- like everyone else who has first world problems and first world guilt -- feel the need to start fresh. I haven't been here in ages. In fact, this blog was created in a frenzy of possibility during a very long break from the real world. Reading can be like that, too: an escape-artist's favorite dream. Unfortunately, the "real world" is often no more real than the words on this page or any other; it is just more immediate and demanding.

This holiday season has been full of books! I received a Kindle from my mother, and six new books, so far. I can barely contain my enthusiasm for future reading, but I am also overwhelmed by choice and a self-imposed responsibility to enjoy these new gifts as much as I possibly can. I have a difficult time knowing where to begin. It has been this lack of direction/focus/whatever you want to call it...that has made keeping up with reading and blogging a difficult endeavor. I have distinct urges to complete every available reading challenge and book list that I can find, online. In other words, my eyes are bigger than my my stomach ate books for breakfast.

Basically, I am starting from no place in particular, but I am on a mission. I call it: Operation Read Everything I Currently Own. (OREICO? Sure, why not.) I have lots of different interests, so I'm not exactly sure how this could appeal to anyone who might be reading this, but I don't much care. I love you, but I need to get started, and I need not be concerned by theme posts, list-whittling, or anything else that could distract me from the whole point of these things: Durrrr. READ.

I'm going to post to this blog on Wednesdays, at least until everything starts moving along at a decent clip...and then, we'll just have to see where it goes.


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